This kata is designed to start of simple and slowly become more complex as additional requirements are added that will require branching.
1. Greet a single
Write a method greet(name) that uses name in a simple greeting.
For example, when name is ‘Bob’, the method should return a string “Hello, Bob.”
2. Handle nulls by using a stand-in
Handle nulls by introducing a stand-in.
For example, when name is null, then the method should return the string “Hello, my friend.”
3. Handle shouting
When a name is all uppercase, then the method should shout back to the user.
For example, when name is “JERRY” then the method should return the string “HELLO JERRY!”
4. Handle two names
Handle the input of two names. When name is an array of two names, then both names should be printed.
For example, when name is [“Jill”, “Jane”], then the method should return the string “Hello, Jill and Jane”
5. Handle more than two names
Handle the arbitrarily names of input. When name represents more than two names, separate them with commas and close with and Oxford command “and”.
For example, when name is [“Amy”, “Brian”, “Charlotte”], then the method should return the string “Hello, Amy, Brian, and Charlotte”
6. Handle mixing of normal and shouted names
Allow for mixing of normal and shouted names by separating the responses into two greetings.
For example, when name is [“Amy”, “BRIAN”, “Charlotte”], then the method should return the string “Hello, Amy and Charlotte. AND HELLO BRIAN!”
1. Split names with commas into separate entries
If any entries in name are a string containing a comma, split it as its own input.
For example, when name is [“Bob”, “Charlie, Dianne”], then the method should return the string “Hello, Bob, Charlie, and Dianne.”
2. Allow commas in entries to be escapes
Allow the input to escape intentional commas introduced by the previous requirement.
These can be escaped in the same manner that CSV is, with double quotes surrounding the entry.
For example, when name is [“Bob”, “”Charlie, Dianne””], then the method should return the string “Hello, Bob and Charlie, Dianne.”